

Fruit Processing and Aseptic Filling - The fruits which are carefully collected from the gardens and brought to the factory by trucks are controlled by our quality inspection department and if found proper they are sent to our fruit processing unit.

Here the fruits which are pre-washed in the washing pools are launched on the fruit selection bands by using carrying belts. In this section, the leaves, the twigs or the other foreign substances are picked and separated. The chosen ones are rewashed. After being washed, the fruits which are separated from their rinds and twigs are collected in the tanks with their seeds and then sent to the pressing unit. As a result of the pressing process, the pure fruit juice is obtained. This fruit juice is filled into the aseptic bags with a very special technique called aseptic filling system, which doesn’t let air in, in an entirely closed area. Here the fruit juice is heated and cooled (chilled) very quickly. As a result of the heating system which is called sterilization, the microorganisms which may cause the product deteriorate are prevented and without adding any protection layers (such as sugar, artificial colour, preservatives), the products are provided with an 18-month shelf life by preserving their nutrition values.

Identification marks are established by giving each processed fruit a party number and a total traceability is provided.

After the aseptic filling, the products are kept in cold rooms of 1ºC, 4ºC and -18º C according to their properties.

Bottling and Packaging Fruit Juice - At producing unit, fruit juice in aseptic bags is stored in the cold rooms according to their daily production plan. After the aseptic bags re opened, fruit juice is transferred into the preparation tanks. The samples which are sent to the quality inspection unit are analysed in the laboratory and if the results are confirmed the products are transferred to the pasteurisation unit. The confirmed product in the product preparation tank is sent to the homogenizer where the fruit particulars are well- and then pasteurisation process begins. The empty bottles which arrive at the filling unit are processed to pre-sterilization through a stream tunnel. Following this process, pasteurised at 95ºC fruit juice is filled into the bottles which are washed at 90-95ºC. During the filling process the air in the bottles are taken away by vacuum technique and the hot bottles are closed immediately. Then, they are sent to the cooling tunnels. The chilled bottles are first sent to the drying noises and then to the labelling unit.

The labels which are designed differently for each country are taken to the dating unit in order to be labelled with their expiration date and party numbers on their caps. The party numbers on the bottles are also our tracking numbers. Using the party numbers on the bottles, all the information including where and by which producer the fruits are grown, as well as when it is produced and where it is shipped can be tracked. After being packed, the dated products are put in the pallets and made ready for shipping.

Two sample bottles from the production are taken and kept in the sample room till their shelf life expiration dates (18 months.) By this way, the product is kept under control for 18 months. At the same time, by keeping the other samples in a room heated at 30ºC for ten days their commercial sterilised lifetime is controlled. Within this ten-day period, if no problem is detected the confirmation of product on the market is given by the quality inspection unit. The confirmed products are loaded into the vehicles after the controls of the vehicles are done and then they are shipped to their destinations.

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